Almost every electronic device and electronics-related product we use nowadays requires some sort of programming. So, the demand for programmers is at an all-time high and exponentially increasing each year. High demand for capable coders means exuberant salaries. And that is attracting many people to take upcoding. You might also be looking to figure out which programming language to choose as your first.

It is very important to understand what you need and pick the right language as your first. Choosing the wrong one can easily discourage you mid-way either due to an excessive difficulty curve or finding out that the language you are learning won’t allow you to do what you are aiming to do.

So, here we will be taking a detailed look into the best coding languages you should learn as a beginner. So, without further ado, let’s get right to it.

Most In-Demand Programming Languages and Average Salaries in Different Countries

popular programming languages for beginners

Programming and coding are used interchangeably. In the world of programming, they mean the same thing. So don’t be puzzled if you see we are talking about coding; they are the same thing. Let’s have a look at the 10 best programming languages to learn in 2022:

1. Python

Python is considered to be the most remarkable programming language. This programming language is commonly used to build scalable online applications since it is fast, and easy to implement. Many popular websites and applications use Python to power their backends.

Beginners can get off to a good start with the programming language. Many prefer to learn python programming first as their gateway language. Its simplicity, colossal library, and versatility make it a widely sought-out programming language globally.

Python programming language is a highly accessible and popular language for learning programming. Full-stack Python engineers have many options because many firms utilize Python as their primary backend stack.

We recommend anyone looking to work in data science or artificial intelligence study Python. Much popular software like blender, Inkscape, Autodesk, etc., were developed using Python.

Python has also contributed to developing popular sites like YouTube, Quora, Instagram, etc. It’s an excellent option for beginners because of its versatility and ease of use. The salary of Python programs is also quite handsome, averaging around $100000 per year.

Necessary skills:

  • Problem-solving
  • Abstract thinking


  • Easy to use and versatile
  • Open-source
  • Great community
  • Huge library
  • Scripted language instead of compiled


  • It doesn’t start with basics
  • Limited speed
  • Not mobile-friendly
  • Memory hungry

2. Java

Java is a very well-known and one of the most popular programming languages in the modern world. It is one of the most, if not the most popular coding languages worldwide. Oracle Corporation owns Java programming languages; it has become a model for applications that coders can utilize on any platform. Thus, Java’s mobility from data centers to smart devices is renowned. Around 3 billion Java-powered devices are currently in use.

Big data and web development both rely heavily on Java. Google, Twitter, Amazon, and YouTube are just a few major websites that use Java on the backend. Spring and Hibernate are some of the most popular new Java frameworks.

There are many ways to learn Java programming, as there are millions of Java developers worldwide. There is also a large online community of Java programmers that work together to address difficulties. Although Java is pretty complex, those who master it can secure substantial income; averaging around $110000 per year.

Necessary skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Object-oriented structure knowledge


  • Simple language
  • Object-oriented
  • High security
  • Cheap and affordable to maintain
  • Platform independent
  • Has portability feature
  • Supports multithreading


  • Consumes more memory
  • Poor GUI library
  • Code is complex
  • You have to pay for a commercial license

 3. JavaScript

The programming language JavaScript is one of the foundational technologies of the World Wide Web. It is a very high-level computer language. 97.8% of all websites utilize it as a client-side programming language. The development of web browsers was the initial purpose of JavaScript.

But now, it is utilized for other purposes like server-side website deployments, applications other than web browsers, etc. JavaScript was initially known as LiveScript when first developed in 1995.

It became a full-fledged programming language as it developed over time. JavaScript and Java have some similarities, but the two are recognized as different programming languages. There is a massive demand for JavaScript developers worldwide, as it is the most used programming language. The median yearly salary for a Java developer is $112,000.

To the beginner in programming, JavaScript programming offers a lot. It’s easy to learn, highly compatible, and the best programming language 2022 for web development. For those beginning their journey in web development with JavaScript, exploring beginner-friendly coding bootcamps can significantly enhance learning by providing personalized mentorship and practical experience. There are many benefits of JavaScript, which increase the demand for JavaScript developers.

Necessary skills

  • HTML
  •  CSS


  • Easy to learn
  • It supports all modern browsers
  • Interoperable with other languages
  • You can become productive quickly
  • Can run on a client-side browser
  • Reduces data usage


  • It isn’t easy to develop large applications with JavaScript
  • The code is visible to anyone
  • Different browsers interpret JavaScript code differently.

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4. Go

Google created the Go programming language in 2007 for use in APIs and web applications. Due to its simple nature, large codebases, and ability to handle networked systems, Go has become one of the fastest-growing programming languages globally.

The programming language Go, which is the short form of Golang, was developed to suit the needs of programmers working on massive projects. It has acquired appeal among many large IT firms due to its straightforward and modern structure and its familiarity with syntax.

The companies that use Golang as their programming language include Twitch, Dropbox, Google, etc. Many data scientists are turning to Go because of its high performance.

Any beginner can learn the Go programming language as it’s pretty simple and widely compatible. Also, the job sector offers lots of opportunities to Go programmers. Go programmers can earn anywhere between $150000 to $250000 per year.

Necessary Skills

  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Best if you already know one language


  • One of the simplest programming languages
  • Very easy to grasp
  • High compatibility
  • Strong security


  • Small library
  • No virtual machine
  • You might need to write more code than in other languages
  • The language is still relatively new
  • The community is not very active

5.   PHP

In web development, PHP is an open-source language that allows you to create dynamic web pages on the fly, which results in a more personalized surfing experience. PHP is the most popular programming language for beginners and professionals alike, thanks to its high flexibility, beginner-friendliness, and abundance of frameworks.

Furthermore, the PHP programming language is the primary programming language used by the WordPress content management system, and it is an essential part of any WordPress developer’s arsenal. Because WordPress is free and open-source, taking a look at its core files is a fantastic approach to understanding how PHP programming is used to power websites.

Due to being simple to learn, popular, and having a large and active community. The average income of an expert PHP programmer is pretty healthy, around $108000 per year.

Necessary Skills

  • Knowing at least programming will help immensely.
  • Beginners with zero programming knowledge can also learn easily


  • Open-source
  • Independent of platform
  • User friendly
  • Excellent library support
  • Flexible
  • Built-in database connection


  • Has security issues
  • Not suitable for big applications
  • Poor performance and framework

6.   C/C++

C is one of the earliest and most widely used programming languages, and it provides the foundation for several others, including C#, Java, and JavaScript. In comparison to C, C++ is a better version.

In the modern era, many programmers avoid studying C on their own, while others believe that understanding C is a Good basis for learning C++. Programming and computer science employ both languages. Compilers for C and C++ can be used on a wide range of platforms, making these applications highly interoperable.

Projects where performance matters like client/server programs, commercial products such as Firefox and Adobe, video games, etc. use these programming applications. The average annual salary for C and C++ developers is around $110,000 per year.

Necessary Skills

  • Elementary computer knowledge
  • Problem-solving skills


  • Teaches the fundamentals of programming
  • Portability
  • Efficient memory support
  • Large community


  • Strict programing language
  • Security issues
  • No built-in thread

7.   C#

C#, pronounced as "C sharp," is another popular derivation of the C programming language. C# programming is one of the most used programming languages, and it is also well-known for being the programming language used by the Unity gaming engine.

Many learn C programming as their first language. So it is effortless for them to hone their programming skills by learning C#. Many aspiring programmers want to make a career in game development. C# is widely used in the gaming industry, and as we have already mentioned, the Unity gaming engine uses C# as its programming language.

As a result, video game enthusiasts looking to make a career in game production will need to study C# in their careers. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of C, you might want to try learning C# as a second language. It will become easier to understand once you’ve become comfortable with the C programming languages.

C# programmers make slightly above $110000 a year. As this language is widely used in game development, there are lots of opportunities if you can master this language. Video games are a billion-dollar industry, and if you can make a name for yourself in this industry, it’s safe to assume that your income will be much more.

Necessary Skills

  • The very elementary knowledge of writing code shall suffice
  • Beginners can also learn easily


  • Very fast programing language
  • Object-oriented
  • Compatible with other codes
  • Open-source language
  • Huge library


  • Dependent on the .NET framework
  • There are better languages
  • Steep learning curve

8.   Ruby

Ruby is a good option for those just starting in web development. Ruby is one of the easiest scripting languages to learn and master. Ruby has grown in popularity and become a coveted skill in the job market, and the most credit goes to Ruby on Rails.

It is an open-source web application; it has been widely embraced by startups and large tech businesses like Square, Hulu, Shopify, etc. Convention rather than configuration is a significant tenet of Rails.

Many programming decisions have already been made to make things easy for you, so you don’t have to make as many ones on your own. While learning Rails will be slightly more difficult than the foundations of Ruby, you’ll eventually be able to make great web apps.

However, before entering into the Rails framework, it is recommended that you master the fundamentals of Ruby. As the demand for Ruby programmers is relatively high, it only makes sense that their income will also be pretty decent, which it is. The average yearly income of a Ruby programmer is about $120000.

Necessary Skills

  • Abstract thinking
  • Problem-solving


  • Easy to read and write syntax
  • Gives developers freedom
  • Lots of helpful tools
  • Large community


  • Long boot time
  • Continuous change
  • Not very flexible

9.   Rust

Rust is a relative newcomer on this list of languages, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth learning. According to the Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey, it was the most popular programming language for the fifth consecutive year.

Mozilla Corporation developed Rust as a low-level systems programming language. On the other hand, Rust focuses on speed and security in the mix. For unexpected behavior and system crashes, Rust stresses the importance of designing "safe code," which prevents programs from accessing memory locations they shouldn’t.

Others, such as Dropbox and Coursera, are beginning to utilize Rust internally because of its advantages. Rust programming abilities will pay off handsomely soon, although they are more challenging to grasp than other introductory languages.

The same survey we mentioned above found that 86% of Rust programmers want to stick with this language. It only reflects the financial security experienced Rust programmers will offer you. The median yearly salary of a Rust programmer is $175000.

Necessary Skills

Basics of programming

Basic computer knowledge

Data knowledge


  • Strong generic support
  • Rich patterns and syntax
  • Support seamless integration of C and other languages
  • Predictable run time
  • Strong community


  • Slow compiling
  • Challenging to learn than other languages

10. SQL

Does working with databases sound like something you’d be interested in doing in the future? If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to learn SQL. The primary computer language for managing relational databases is SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language.

In relational databases, SQL is most valuable for data analysts and scientists, business analysts, product specialists, and marketers who want to make use of data to make various informed decisions. By incorporating a powerful SQL dashboard, you can visualize and analyze data more effectively, gaining valuable insights and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

SQL is not like other programming languages like C++, Java, or Python. It doesn’t create anything. It serves a greater purpose to those already in data sectors like data analysts, scientists, etc. So many beginners may not find interest in SQL, and that is okay.

It serves a narrower and particular purpose. If you have a passion for data-related tasks in the future, SQL is a must. As the application of SQL is limited, the income is also less compared to others. But still, you can make a living out of it. The yearly salary is around $80000.

Necessary Skills

  • Beginners with basic computer knowledge can learn SQL with ease


  • Fast processing
  • No coding skills required
  • Portable
  • Highly interactive


  • The interface might seem complex
  • Some versions are expensive
  • Developers can’t attain complete control

The Easiest and Hardest Programming Languages

easiest and hardest programming languages

Each programming language has a difficulty level despite being more or less beginner-friendly. Let’s take a look at the easiest and hardest programming languages:

Easiest Coding Language to Learn

These are the easiest coding languages to learn. But being easy doesn’t mean they are lesser code languages. They all have their own purposes in the programming world.

1.    JavaScript

There’s a reason for JavaScript being so popular and extensively used. It has a rich library and framework for faster development and easy learning. JavaScript is the perfect coding application for beginners who want to make web-based applications making it one of the best languages for web development. 

2.    Python

Data scientists, AI professionals, Software Development Company, and app developers widely use python, making it equally popular as JavaScript. Among many reasons, Python’s simplicity is what makes python software development and python for data science so popular. It has a huge library and helpful community, making it a beginner-friendly programming language.

3.    Go

The simple and minimal syntax of Golang makes it a fairly easy programming language. If you know the very basics of programming, C syntaxes, etc.; learning Golang will become even easier. Golang is a great coding language for servers, networking apps, etc.

Hardest Programming Languages

These are advanced-level coding languages. People new to coding are generally discouraged to try these first. Even though they are difficult, they are that for a reason. These languages provide much more flexibility to the coder and allow them to do things that they wouldn’t be able to do with simpler higher-level languages.

1.    C++

C is an entry-level programming language but C++ is the bigger brother, which means it isn’t as easy as C. Various programs like Google Chrome, and Microsoft applications were developed using C++. Its complex syntax makes C++ one of the most difficult programming languages to learn and you will need to understand the basics of C to learn C++.

2.    Haskell

Haskell’s programming language is developed on the lambda calculus and named after a mathematician named Haskell Curry. It uses a lot of jargon making it difficult for beginners to learn and understand.

3.    Malbolge

Ben Olmstead specifically intended Malbolge to be the toughest programming language in the world. It took nearly two years to write the first program using Malbolge. Its inventor wanted it to be nearly impossible to use and needless to say, he succeeded.

What are Different Programming Languages Used For?

It only makes sense that these so many different programming languages are not for the same purpose. There are different sectors that make use of these languages and most of them require multiple coding applications. Let’s take a look at what different programming languages are used for:

Web Development: HTML and CSS are the basics of web development. Although these two are not programming languages, it’s mandatory to learn HTML and CSS to be a web developer. As far as programming languages are concerned, JavaScript, Python, and Node.js are necessary for web development. JavaScript is one of the principal web development languages.

Video Game Development: C#, C++, and Java are the three main programming languages for game development. Game engines like Unreal Engine, and CryEngine play the most significant part in game development, but these engines are developed based on various programming languages. So if you want to be in the gaming industry, you will need to master C, C++, and C#.

Mobile App Development: In this era of smartphones, mobile apps have tons of job potential. Big companies hire mobile app developers and you can make a living out of it. For mobile app development, Java, Python, Objective-C, Kotlin, and Swift programming languages are used.

Cyber Security: Cyber security is one of the biggest headaches for large companies these days. They spend millions on cyber security specialists and you can be a part of that repertoire. Python, C++, and Linux are the basic programming languages implemented in cyber security.

Software Development: Computer software and mobile app development differ in terms of programming languages. While mobile apps largely depend on java, computer software are developed by using java, C#, C++, Swift, Pascal, LISP, etc.

Which Programming Language Should I Learn First as a Beginner?

If you are wondering “What code should I learn first?” then we highly recommend python. You can ask anywhere; you will get the same answer. Python is the best coding language to learn for beginners no matter what its ultimate goal is. Python ditches strict syntax rules and uses the English language which makes it easy for anyone who knows Basic English.

Learning Python will give you the basics of coding and assist you in learning other more complicated languages. After learning Python, you can move on to C, which will give a strong basis for other C languages like C++, C#, etc.

How Long Does It Take to Learn To Code?

There isn’t any strict time frame in which you can be a master programmer. Learning to code is a gradual and evolving process. You can compare it to becoming a surgeon, or learning to drive. You know the basics but every situation is new. You’ll have to use your wit to solve every new problem.

Learning the basics will take around three to six months, during this time, you will get to know what programming is all about, basic commands, syntaxes, semantics, conditions, etc. and how to use them, where to use them. After that, it’s a continuous process. And with a good tutor to guide your every step of the way, you will become a coder in no time.

How to Start Coding?

Wondering how to start learning to code? You will need someone to guide you, no matter what you want to learn and how simple it is. For something as complex as programming, you will need some guidance. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can learn programming. Let’s take a look:

Online Courses

The world is shifting towards everything digital. From video games to televisions, everything is becoming internet-based. Online courses are a very convenient and efficient way to learn programming without sacrificing the comforts of your home. These days, online courses offer live classes, tutorial videos, and many more to make your learning experience as best as possible.

It has become effortless to find online tutors for almost everything nowadays, thanks to the internet and computer technologies. You will find so many online programming and coding tutors at your hands and at a reasonable cost. No matter what your passion is, there is a separate program for almost every sector.

Besides coding, there are game development online classes, web development online classes, IT courses, software engineering, and other courses for various high-income skills and so on. Online courses are by far the best way to learn to code and you should seriously consider it. Lrnkey has all sorts of courses and gives you the opportunity to make something out of your passion.

Freelancing Institute

Many bonafide freelancing institutes teach various freelancing skills to aspiring freelancers. They conduct multiple skills like web development, web designing, software development, graphics designing, and last but not least, programming. You can become a freelancer and start freelancing right away to make money from home.

Another great thing about learning to code is that you can become a tutor. If you are passionate about the teaching profession, this is a great way to monetize your passion for coding. Besides coding, you can learn other creative skills and make your career on it.

Is Learning One Programming Language Enough?

As you have already realized, there are tons of programming languages. All of them are pretty distinct, with lots of similarities. Each has a specific use, and many projects require the implementation of multiple programming languages. If you are concerned if learning only one programming language is enough, there isn’t any straightforward answer.

Whether you want to learn to program just because you like it or want to build a career on it, you’ll have to start with one language. In most job sectors, employers will require one language from you. Proficiency doesn’t depend on how many languages you know; it depends on how well you know programming; be that just one or many.

So, if you learn one programming language efficiently, you are highly likely to get a high-paying job, although it will take some time. However, there’s a catch. Employers looking for programmers will consider the one who knows more than one language over the one who knows just one language.

Because there is no reason for a multilingual programmer to be less qualified than the one who just knows one language; in fact, it’s the opposite. So, in most cases, a multilingual programmer will get more traction than a programmer who learned one language, even if the job requires one language.


Programming languages have always been fascinating. We can achieve so many unthinkable things as programming evolves. And that thought inspires many of us to take up coding.

But, before you step into the world of programming, having an overall idea about the best coding languages to learn will help. In this article, we have discussed the best programming language to learn for beginners to find their gateway language. We sincerely hope that this article was able to help you with your queries.